matamoros killings photos

She leaves behind two young children. and claws of a rooster, None of the officers dared to search the shed any further. Delia remarried and his new stepfather was involved in both the religion and drug dealing. The drug dealers, in particular, interested Constanzo, as this was where the real money was. I think you forgot to turn your cap lock off! In Miami, Constanzos neighbors complained of dead animals being left at their doors after confrontations with his family. Constanzo and his mother were arrested numerous times for theft, vandalism and shoplifting.

The Matamoros Cult Killings.

Bettmann/Getty ImagesThe graves containing the mutilated remains of 15 people.


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On May 6, 1989, Constanzo spotted a police car outside the building, picked up a machine gun,and began firing. His mother was a Cuban immigrant andboth she and Adolfos grandmother were Santeras, priestesses in the Santeria religion, according to a feature inRolling Stonemagazine.


I can't help but to think that this chick was someone's little girl, at one time. They were tortured and beat pretty bad before they were shot.Knowing what they do I still can't be down with torture and killing girls,fucked up they have to make choices to become sicario, Thats a shit load of money for them, especially when the average job pays 500-700 a week. Determined not to go to prison, he handed a gun to follower Alvaro de Leon and ordered him to open fire on him and Martin Quintana. They started raiding graveyards for human bones, but before long the cult needed live human sacrifices instead of old bones. So they went back into Matamoros to look for their friend, to no avail. They offered a $15,000 reward. Two days later investigators called in a hypnotist in the hope of turning up some clues. Constanzo began to believe that his magic, much of which he took from Palo Mayombe, was responsible for the success of the cartels and demanded to become a full business partner with one of the most powerful families he knew, the Calzadas. [1] The darkest aspects of humanlifeandnature. They circulated 20,000 leaflets throughout the Rio Grande valley offering a $15,000 reward for any information concerning his whereabouts. He convinced several high-level drug kingpins that he could cast spells to make them invisible to law enforcement and that his clairvoyance could tell them which days to move their product safely. The group had stopped to urinate when a Hispanic man with a scar on his face approached Kilroy. He opened shop in Mexico Citys Zona Rosa, or pink district, known for being welcoming to gays like Constanzo. it is what it is you live by the sword you die by the sword same shit that has been going on for 100's of years all around the world. Aldrete was apprehended as she tried to flee the apartment. Cause you're from the next town over and you're loyal to the crazy psycho killer that's in jail [insert random name] and I'm loyal to another crazy psycho killer also in jail [insert rival name]. At first, police feared the couple might have fled to the US. At one point, his mother was arrested for keeping 27 animals in her tiny apartment; the floors were covered in feces and blood. A few days later the Kilroys returned to their home in Santa Fe but vowed not to give up their search. Omg!! Increasingly, the membersof the Hernandez gang fell under Constanzos sway. You are quite wrong not even 3000 for 2 months they are stealing and extorting beggars for Gods sake, props given to BB in article Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;, Lucio R. Borderland Beat information and photos from Valor por Tamaulipas. Personal PhotoThe full extent of the torture that Mark Kilroy suffered before his death may never be known for sure. FOR A FEW PESOS IDIOTS, Whats up with the 65 guy ? new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help A total of 14 of Constanzos cult members were charged with crimes ranging from murder, to drug-running, to obstructing the course of justice. Mexican government has worked an intense campaign to suppress the information about the true number of casualties. for the killings, and said that what happened to these three, will happen killing, obviously prior to dismemberment, were sent out with a message from 65, who claimed responsibility One police officer was wounded. One thing is for sure the ciclones kicked the metros asses everytime the come to matamoros, they are so many hawks, gaurds and estacas in every street corner not even the mexican goverment can take them down! Ive been on the force 15 years, and there are no words to describe what I saw there, said Lieutenant George Gavito, of the Cameron County Sheriffs Department. The next evening began similarly, but ended on an ominous note.

They get left behind. In 1989, Texas was gripped by a "Satanic Panic," following a discovery of a mass grave in Matamoros, mexico. Born in Miami to a Cuban immigrant mother, Constanzo had been raised in the Palo Mayombe tradition, an Afro-Caribbean religion related to Santera, but considered to be much darker. He removed Kilroys brain and placed it into the nganga, a sacrifice he believed would grant him intelligence and wisdom. Best Western Hotel Plaza Matamoros. He readily admitted that he and his brothers had kidnapped him and taken him to the ranch at the behest of El Padrino (the godfather). Its funny how the muertos de hambre zetas and cdg post whit guns in their pics and when they have to use them their balls drop lol one scum bag less Good, Women want equal rights, well they can get equal machetazos too. Finally, Constanzo was shot dead. Abel Lima "El Sodomita de Iztapalapa" (alleged suspect for the kidnappings in the mid-90s). In the early morning hours of March 11, 1989, college students Mark Kilroy, Bill Huddleston, Bradley Moore, and Brent Martin decided their . An initial search of the property turned up 65 pounds of marijuana and a ritual shed which contained Constanzosnganga. THESE PEOPLE WERE LOST MENTALLY. I mean look at her damn tv's they ol skool as fuck. . Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. At the station, the caretaker spotted Kilroys missing-person flyer on Ayalas desk.


Cartel r really nice people they Ice them down, Hey Gulf, Why don't u elect one leader and stop the killing, Do you want to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ killing doesn't make you $$$$$$$$$$$, Mater of fact they do get tatoos so they can gwt ewcognized when they get killed many scorpiones tatooted their clave in their chest under the bulletpfoof sort of like the tags of the military saludos desde matamoros tam, filth taking out filth, can't be mad at that. By the end of the investigation, however, they would discover more bodies suspected of being killed by Constanzo, bringing the number of known victims to 23. 6:15 "they" warned, apparently you can't readSome of us like to see all the dirt, it is really needed to see how things really go in Mexico, grow up or leave Corrrect, she lost all respect once she picked up the gun 4.03My god there are some imbeciles on here?The mistake I was referring to was Joselyn for allowing her identity to be posted online where enemies can see it,,nothing at all to do with BB..I too believe in showing the truth.Try and be a bit more perceptive,if possible? Texas Woman Found Tortured to Death in Mexican Border City - Breitbart Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below. It was through his drug connections that Constanzo ended up at the ranch in Santa Elena. The war that reignited this month has pitted two rival factions of the Gulf cartel against each other turning the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa into war zones where the residents are forced to go about their daily lives while trying to avoid firefights and gory crime scenes. The cult was lead by Adolfo The officers conducted a search of the property and found hundreds of pounds of marijuana. As the officers approached, Constanzo, mistakenly believing they had located him, opened fire with a machine gun. In May 1994, Sara Aldrete was sentenced to 62 years in prison, according to theAssociated Press. Ayala and his officers were working with American drug enforcement on one of the largest drug interdiction efforts the two agencies had ever executed. When the authorities learned about the ranch, Adolfo fled to Mexico City with four of his followers. Beer gets recycled all the time, what do you think TECATE is?Tecate addicts are the worst beer drinkers in the whole world She thinks she is a bad ass working for the cartel. Inside The Gruesome Murder Of Mark Kilroy At The Hands Of A Satanic Cult. Unfortunately for Costanzo and his followers, they could have hardly picked a worse victim. If the imbecile comment does not make clear that SHE made a mistakeThere would be no confession, I mean confusion.--now go attack other members of the axis of evil Hey every cartel member should get a tatoo so when ever they get dismembered it won't be so hard for there family to identify them lol.. That's what they get when there in cartels what do they expect. A foul, rotten stench emanated from the small structure. or possible candidate that will become a premier leader of all CDG cells in the near future? TheHernandezeswere members of a large family with relatives on either side of the border who made their money smuggling marijuana. The resulting killings soon totaled more than twenty victims, whose mutilated bodies were found in and around Mexico City. All Rights reserved.

Sara Aldrete, Elio Hernandez, and Serafn Hernandez were convicted of multiple murders and given prison sentences of over 60 years each. MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas - A Texas woman became the latest local murder victim after unknown individuals tortured her to death.

Martn Quintana Rodrguez

Cauldron of Blood: The Matamoros Cult Killings - The shack containing Kilroys brains was burned to the ground, while Aldrete and four other cult members received prison sentences between 30 and 60 years. For more shocking true stories of Deadly Cults, tune inSunday, April 26 at 7/6cfor the season premiere onOxygen. The Reynosa faction killed this girl in retaliation for the ass kicking that lost metros gave them here recently. Customer reviews: Cauldron of Blood: The Matamoros Cult It was March 1989, with graduation approaching, and he and three of his best friends drove to Mexico for spring break as a last hurrah. It was only after lopping off his hooded victims head with a machete that he realized he had killed one of his own nephews, according to Texas Monthly. The brothers (along with a few other followers) so believed in El Padrinos powers that they participated in his rituals including rituals of human sacrifice. 200 Reviews . So the boys, along with Kilroys parents, went to the Cameron County Sheriffs Department in Brownsville. ' When Huddleston joined Moore and Martin a few moments later, Kilroy wasnt with them. But his primary income came from being a Palero, or Palo Mayombe priest. On Sunday, March 26th, Mark Kilroys case was featured on the television crime program Americas Most Wanted. When Kilroy was brought to the ranch, Constanzo murdered him. The four longtime friends left the bar and started walking toward the border, where they had parked their car. Adolfo Constanzo - Wikipedia Mark Kilroy, a Texas college student who had crossed the Mexican border to party He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. Then, learn about the satanic Corpsewood Manor murders. to all that support Los Ciclones. You can even see the little horns on top of it head. But Serafn pointed out that there were several bodies buried on the ranch. Eventually, Kilroy said goodnight to his female friend, and the four youths started walking back toward the bridge. But the police promised us that they wouldnt lessen the intensity of their investigation., Related At Brownsvilles Texas Southmost College,Aldrete was a straight A student and a cheerleader for the soccer team. [5] Fifteen mutilated corpses were dug up at the ranch, one of them Kilroy's.


In the early morning hours of March 14, cult members snatched Kilroy off a side street in Matamoros where he had been barhopping. He admitted that his family grew cannabis at the Santa Elena Ranch outside of town, where Comandante Juan Benitez Ayala, of Mexicos Federal Police, discovered 75 pounds of marijuana. Matamoros, Mexico. Page 1 of. they love to work over rivals with clubs. The Believers: Cult Murders in Mexico.


Hotel Colonial. Constanzo's mother, Delia Gonzalez del Valle mugshot. Copyright 2020 CVLT Nation. Not even a mom yet, proaly. F or Mark Kilroy and his friends, the nightmare began as a spring-break blowout . The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing. Everyone is responsible for their own actions on judgement day, but as someone already said, if you're going to go down this path at least give me a plasma TV !! Go to page. Many were missing ears or eyes. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time His legs were hacked off with a machete, while his spine was removed and his brains were found boiled in a cauldron. Their victims were snatched off the streets. Huddleston and Moore were fellow UT juniors, while Martin studied at Alvin Community College.
Under hypnosis, Moore told police that he had last seen Kilroy talking to a young Hispanic man with a cut on his face. In the days before cell phones or widespread debit-card transactions, they were completely off grid. Adolfo Constanzo and Sara Aldrete were cult leaders and serial killers. Your email address will not be published. Chin-gao! While the big bosses are sitting somewhere in a private party listening to Tucanes or some other band live partying it up in mansions and giving orders through a radio. She was known by all the other students as friendly, outgoing, and deeply involved in extracurricular activities. In the end, a much stronger force prevailed. They began to run a profitable business casting spells to bring good luck, which involved expensive ritual sacrifices of chickens, goats, snakes, zebras and even lion cubs.


In another of the photos, the dismembered body of a man is shown with various body parts thrown on the ground. Sort of like soldiers do for their government That's just the thing, they find these uneducated kids that see $400.00 a month and think it's big bucks, either that or they kidnap some kid and scare the crap out of them to do their dirty work for damn near nothing. In the parking lot of a Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. In her second trial, she was sentenced to 647 years in prison for several counts of murder. Three weeks after Kilroy had seemingly vanished into thin air, a strange turn of events would not only uncover what happened to him, but reveal something far more evil and gruesome. April 16, 9:35 PM"She's got a delicious looking midrif.
Missing for weeks, Kilroy's parents turned up the heat on the Mexican government, causing an all out search for the missing boy. [1] His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather (El Padrino). They followed him to the park where hed stopped to go to the bathroom. All seemed to be normal until one car refused to stop. Crazy shit man. Grupos armados se enfrentan en Matamoros, noreste de Mxico Why?? which video is that? Hardcover. State police: Mexican gulf cartel leader among those killed in - KRGV in northern Tamaulipas between CDG factions, Los Metros of Reynosa and los Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo, the leader of the cult. victims at a cult in Matamoros, Mexico. Read more true crime stories by Bartlette here. One question is this the same flaca That back in 2011 the article about the shootout in Zacatecas that left 15sicarios dead and 17captured was telling ppl off in BB's comments section ..if so she had it coming with the replys she made to two or more go back check it out she cursed like a person with no respect to others on BB's comments section for that shootout she cursed at the ppl congratulating the MX military for a good job she took up the Zs side.. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation. In 1988, Constanzo moved to Rancho Santa Elena, a house in the desert.
WithSeason2premiering onApril 26,heres a look back at one of the most horrifying groups showcased on the series. Yet the tall Mexican woman had been working with Constanzo for years, luring victims and recruiting new members. Adolfo named himself El Padrino de Matamoros - The Godfather of Matamoros and gave Sara the nickname La Madrina, Spanish for godmother. He was taken by his abductors to a ranch where he was tortured and sodomized for hours before being murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. Kilroys legs were amputated, and his brains found in a shack boiled in a pot with a roasted turtle.
Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! Constanzo allegedly studied Vodou and PaloMayombe, which traces its roots back to the Congo River Basin.

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matamoros killings photos