glossary of religious terms

beliefs associated with the Dutch theologian, Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609), who came to deny predestination - a kind of Calvinist 'heresy'. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. Like pagan, heathen also points to the fact that non-city dwellers tended to reject religious change. Even though excommunicated, the person is still responsible for fulfillment of the normal obligations of a Catholic. Terms are capitalized only if they are always capitalized. Apostolic Practices Studies are interrupted for gospel: the story of Christs life and teachings as told in the first four books of the Christian New Testament. Deacons preparing for the priesthood aretransitional deacons. pastor. You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! Thanks though. justification can put you or your class This is not the same thing as the Virgin Birth, the belief that Jesus was divinely begotten and miraculously born of a virgin mother.. do you have a source for the origin of the word pagan? The term does not appear with this definition in most English dictionaries, which is part of the reason it is listed here. Im sure I could come up with more. These movements have also been referred to as messianic, nativistic, and revitalization movements. It is also called anepiscopal conference. This is a glossary of terms used in Christianity. (NB Arminians, not Armenians, a people from the Caucasus!). When I was growing up in small town America, stories about religion were generally confined to the Saturday church pages in the local newspaper. The Schleitheim Confession (1527) also rejects military service, violence, and the swearing of oaths by conscientious Christians. But some (auxiliary bishops) are the top assistants to their diocesan bishops, and some priests are made bishops because of special posts they hold in the church, such as certain Vatican jobs. Anglican delict. It is also given to certain other high-ranking church officials, notably Vatican ambassadors (apostolic nuncios: see that entry), the secretaries of Vatican congregations and the presidents of pontifical councils. Omnipresence: The concept that God is in all places at all times. (3) Any gathering of Christians for worship. Anabaptist is a general term for several Reformation movements that insisted on the baptism of adult believers, as opposed to infant baptism, and who generally rejected the establishment of Protestant state churches. The literal meaning of the word is good news.. Pastoris not ordinarily used as a title before the name of a Catholic priest: He isFatherJohn Smith orMsgr. religious titles before names. Penance is also used to mean the action required to demonstrate true repentance: 'doing penance' by saying prayers, fasting etc. Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms - The chief diocese of a group of dioceses is called anarchdiocese; see that entry. Confucianism: a system of teachings characterized by central emphasis on the practice and cultivation of the cardinal virtues of filial piety, kindness, righteousness, propriety, intelligence, and faithfulness. The Church of England is a national church that broke with the Roman Catholic Church in the English Reformation of the 16th century; the Worldwide Anglican communion, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, consists of more than thirty-eight autonomous provinces throughout the world, including the Episcopal Church in the United States. A penalty or censure by which a baptized Catholic is excluded from the communion of the faithful for committing and remaining obstinate in certain serious offenses specified in canon law. Delete the word symbolic. ?the one who just disbelieves in God, or the one who claims there is no god??? pastoral council. (1) The canon of Sacred Scripture is the list of books recognized by the church as inspired by the Holy Spirit. @Andy, Islamic terms would grant a post on their own, and that is why we have not mixed them here (except for the mainstream jihad). The general term for all the church's official acts of worship. After earning his Ph.D. from Boston University, King became minister of a Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama, where he led the successful non-violent bus boycott, bringing about an end to the segregation of the citys transportation system. The early Christian church was fragmented into various sects, many of which taught a Gnostic version of the new religion. eparchy. Catholic church service in which the eucharist [qv] is celebrated. metropolitan. The Catholic Churches with origins in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa that have their own distinctive liturgical, legal and organizational systems and are identified by the national or ethnic character of their region of origin. The word is from Greek orthodoxein, to have the right opinion. The noun is orthodoxy. Gnostic mystery religions abounded in the Roman Empire. Eric, For many members of religious orders, the short version of their order's name may precede the religious title:Mercy Sister Mary Smith,Jesuit Father John Smith,Benedictine Brother Peter Smith. These days religion is front page news. hinduisms devas are not exactly the same as western gods. the sacrament [qv] in which bread and wine is blessed or consecrated and then consumed (the communion). It is sometimes used as a penalty for a serious crime or scandal, but more often it comes at the request of the priest. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "O") obstinate persistence in false belief. the sacred writings of the Christian religions, the teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth, a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior, the teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity, the monotheistic religious system of Muslims, the monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud, the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina, the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation, worshipping or believing in more than one god, the ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma; characterized by a veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors, the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit, (from the Sanskrit word for `knowledge') any of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in early Sanskrit; traditionally believed to comprise the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, and the Upanishads. Another name for a diocese or archdiocese. NOTE: The definitions given here are not intended to be exhaustive. The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the offering of the gifts, followed by consecration of the bread and wine and the reception of Communion. Virtually all Christian theologians accepted predestination in some form or other, but the doctrine is particularly associated with Calvin and his followers, who believed that men and women played no co-operating role in their salvation - ie heaven could not be 'won' or 'lost' by any actions in this life. Religious Freedom Glossary of Terms. It refers to the number of years since the birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, a.k.a. agnosticism: the philosophical position that the existence or non-existence of God or a First Cause is unknowable. Adj. In most contexts it can be called anarchdiocese, but if some legal distinction between Eastern and Latin Catholic jurisdictions is important, it may be necessary to introduce the term. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of fasting, penitence, and spiritual discipline and study called Lent, the six and one half weeks preceding Easter. In canon law, anyone not ordained a deacon, priest or bishop is a layperson. Find information on Religion terms and definitions in the cross-referenced index. Amrit Bani. As always, most appreciated. The USCCB traces its origins to the 1919 establishment of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. -. By church law cardinals are regarded as the pope's closest advisors, and when a pope dies those who are not yet 80 years old meet in a conclave in Rome to elect a new pope. auxiliary bishop. The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and Protestant churches including Lutherans and Methodists, have bishops. titular see. In a church setting one may speak of the clergy and the laity (non-clerical members of the church). Religion Terms - Vocabulary List | Thanks, Robyn, Johns comment made me wonder, so I am glad that you clarified it. (1) Why did you take the time to define the other religions, then not define Islam, in fact the only Muslim word you have on there is jihad, which actually is understood by the majority of muslims as Struggle, mostly an internal struggle to adhere to the ways of Islam. It consists of bishops and priests serving the diocese. Agnostic comes from the same root as ignorant. blasphemy: indignity offered to God, from Greek blasphemia, a speaking ill, impious speech, slander. Religions define blasphemy in terms of their own beliefs, often designating prophets and holy objects along with God as subjects not to be profaned. 16 words 57 learners . Battle/war/fight - Almost all talk of battles and wars when concerning a Christian life refers to the inner battle that arises when a sinful thought tempts you. In 1991 the Vatican quit usingpro-nuncioas the title for its ambassadors who were not deans of the ambassadorial corps and began calling all papal representatives with full rank of ambassadornuncio. If you dont believe in a god, you are an atheist you are not an agnostic just cause you accept the theoretical possibility. A term applied to the Sikh Scriptures, meaning the words are as sweet as nectar (amrit). episcopal. This depends on a philosophical distinction between the accidents and substance of an object. Glossary of Religious Terms and Definitions coadjutor. Most parishes are formed on a geographic basis, but they may be formed along national or ethnic lines. (Pronounced Ma-noot in Thai.) scripture As for your question, atheism covers both those lacking a belief in god(s) and those who claim there is no god. " CE ," an acronym for the religiously neutral term "common era" is gradually replacing "AD." -. Advent is the Christian season of preparation for Christmas, the four weeks before Christmas in the Western churches; the first Sunday in Advent is the beginning of the Christian liturgical year.

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glossary of religious terms